Teaching, Transforming & Equipping
Christians For Ministry Since 1968!
Theological Studies
Credentialing & Governing Religious Body
Christian Charity

Where Is God Calling You?


Beyond genesis logo

Once A Week for 8 weeks
A visual and discussion based overview of the entire Bible. Whether you're eager to embrace or debate it, understanding God's Word is essential. Free Bible & kit included.

Waymaker Certificate


Dive Deeper Into The Bible
An 6-month journey through the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation in our interactive online classroom. Forge true friendships during our lively Zoom Q&A sessions. You'll like this course.

Become an Ordained Minister

Ordination (1)

The Ministry Ordination Program
Is a comprehensive year of seminary-level study for individuals with a genuine calling to the ministry of Jesus Christ. From your initial calling to ordination.

Perform Marriage In Ontario

The Marriage Program
This course is fun. You will study Biblical marriage online. Membership & Sponsorship will be offered upon successful completion.

Death, Funerals, & Celebration of Life Course

Whether you're called to officiate a funeral or memorial service, this course offers practical and Biblical insights to help you lead with compassion and professionalism. It is designed to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to support families through the planning and execution of meaningful and respectful funeral services. Deepen your ministry and make a lasting impact during a family's time of need.

Key Topics Covered:

  • What is Death? Medical view
  • What does the Bible teach us about Death?
  • Preparing for Approaching Death
  • Understanding the Final Stages of Life
  • Burial Options, Including Cremation (tour of Toronto Cemetery & Crematorium)
  • Officiating at a Simple Christian Funeral Service or Memorial
  • Funeral Etiquette and Best Practices
  • Ontario By-Laws: Funeral, Cremation, and Scattering Arrangements

Course Benefits:

  • Learn how to help families and friends find closure in a time of grief.
  • Receive practical steps for planning a Christian funeral service that honors God and the departed.
  • You'll gain the knowledge & skills needed to provide comfort & guidance during one of life's most challenging moments.
  • Understand how to navigate family dynamics and alleviate the emotional burden during funeral planning.

Your monetary donation will allow us to keep this service running for those in need. Please consider donating today.

Christian Outreach Ministry

Our Toronto Outreach Trailer

Serves 200 hot meals and refreshments. Downtown we gave out warm winter clothing and blankets but the need is truly immense. So many fingers curled with cold. To some, a scarf was like winning the lottery. They were so grateful and were asking God to bless us as we were blessing them. We gave out a rich, hot, steaming, creamy hot chocolate with sandwiches. Our reward came when a homeless man closed his eyes and savoured every sip of his hot chocolate, as the cup warmed his hands. He gingerly approached us again and politely asked if he could have some more when finished.' Praise God! Our Toronto Outreach Trailer serves 200 hot meals and refreshments, along with warm clothing given freely to the homeless and refugees. Our members are welcome to use it towards their outreach ministry efforts.

* Knitters & Crocheters *

Can you make warm winter clothing for those in need?
Hats, scarves, sweaters, blankets, socks...


Outdoor Air Mattress Camping Cushion

$16 on Amazon. Can you donate one or two?

For those living in tents. Winter is coming.

They also need Blankets, Water, Toilet Paper, Sanitary Items....

GTA Tent Encampments

Our little mobile kitchen served us well as we ministered to the less fortunate living in tents. We shared burgers, pasta salad, cold refreshments, and rain ponchos. It was extremely hot out but we managed. 

Tragedy, grief, illness, loss of career, drugs, bankruptcy, new immigrants, psychological issues… whatever blow the enemy has dealt them, they sleep in tents on the cold ground which drains their body heat each night. God forbid if it rains or snows. Many are left hopeless and ashamed to be in such a situation. The number of tents have since tripled. Help us to help them.

Evangelizing in Cuba

Pastor Ordenado Dr. Héctor Garrido Cárdenas tends to a large flock in Jobabo, Cuba. Conditions are hard and he works tirelessly to bring the Gospel to his community. 

We help with food and monetary funds to purchase items locally because that is the best way that we can help. Here’s a photo of our brothers and sisters at Templo “Emanuel”, Asambleas de Dios en Cuba in worship and prayer. Pray for them. We will be sending items to them before the Christmas season so kindly donate if you can. 

Smiles & Greetings!

Pastor Walker continues to serve and evangelize in Cuba. This video is a compilation of smiles, greetings, and events from her missions. She will be visiting once more before the Christmas season. Join us in prayer for them all and help to support Pastor Walkers efforts with a monetary donation.

A tax-deductible receipt will be issued for donations over $20.

Upcoming Online Seminars for 2025

Join Us! - $149

Annual Fellowship Event
Online Christian Social Community
GTA Outreach Opportunities
Assess at Ordination Pulpit Assessments
** Receive a Christian gift by mail 4x per year


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How Can We Forgive Others

Explore one of life’s toughest challenges, overcoming the anger and hurt of being mistreated by someone else. People do awful and damaging things to others. As Christians, we hear so much about forgiveness and the need to forgive others but sometimes, it's not so easy. Join us in this Biblical study on forgiveness.

Biblical End Times


Are You Ready?

Are we experiencing the Biblical end times right now? Look at our current troubles; global pandemics, floods, fires, earthquakes, sexual immorality, murder, theft, idolic worship, the human cost of war. What is our role as Christians during this time of Biblical fulfillment, and Are you ready?

Biblical Sexual Ethics


Yikes! How Do We Handle That?

Often an uncomfortable topic among Christians. How do we respond to it? Here we will examine how marriage, divorce, polygamy, homosexuality and a few other topics are addressed in the Bible by looking at both the text of Scripture and the context in which Scripture was written. 

"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding"Jer. 3:15

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Statement of Faith

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